Refund Policy for Business Associate

The refund policy for Business Associate adheres some limitations to prevent the disobeying of authority protocols for better Waste pick up service to the customers. Only Business Associate who are registered or about to get registered with WastePe are applicable under the rules & regulations of our Refund Policies.

Non-agreement to our payment procedures makes a Business Associate not eligible to join WastePe.

What we don’t accept?

1) We don’t accept any assertions from Business Associate if the case is about the refund of registration charges. Registration charges are non-refundable once the Business Associate’s WastePe ID is activated.

2) Assertions related to change of Waste price.

3) If any allegations are on the behalf of our transparent service offered to the customers.

3) In case a disciplinary action is taken against a Business Associate.

Waste Material Pricing

At WastePe, we analyze the market and declare mandatory prices for Business Associate and businesses for a hassle value of waste material and payment. The prices are updated frequently depending upon the market prices.

Our WastePe Business Associate are welcome to call +917428718855 any day of the week between 9am and 6pm in case of any queries or issues.